Below you’ll find just a small part of Ernest’s collection of completed puzzles. To see them all you may want to stop by and pay him a visit. You will be impressed, but most of all you will enjoy the visit.
Scroll down this page to see a few of Ernest’s puzzles. Ernest has constructed hundreds of puzzles over the past 20 years. He decorates the walls of his offices and greeting rooms. If you visit his office you may see one of the largest collection of constructed puzzles in the state. Some of the puzzles have all identical pieces and similar colors. You will be amazed to see the wonders of so many pieces of art. Stop by his office and visit with him and see this impressive collection. All the puzzles have been constructed by Ernest. What you see is only a fraction of what he has recently completed. Several years ago he lost almost his entire collection to a fire. Ernest never gives up, and he never quits. He began all over with his passion and now the walls of his offices are lined once again with this incredible collection.
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